Page 32 - PowerE-L05-C
P. 32
Lesson 8
Extreme sports
I think that extreme sports appeal to man’s primitive
desire to conquer and subdue. When a man reaches a
mountain peak after a grueling and lifethreatening climb,
he experiences this sense of exhilaration akin to the sat-
isfaction of a predator when it sinks its fangs on a much
bigger and more powerful prey. He has proven to himself
that he is capable of pushing himself to his limits, and in
the process he sublimates his aggression. Extreme sports are legal ways of
expressing passion. When men have transcended their earthly needs through
satisfaction of their bare necessities as food, shelter and clothing, they devel-
oped a crying need to touch the heavens. In the past, men climbed mountains
to survive: these days, men do it for sports. Modern men have felt impelled to
push the boundaries of the impossible. They want to climb the highest moun-
tains, trek the driest deserts, and jump from dizzying heights to assert their
banal and mundane life. Extreme sports are man’s way to break away from the
bondage within and without.
1. What kind of extreme sports does the writer mention?
2. What is the relationship between man and extreme sports?
3. How has mountain climbing changed from the past?
1. What do you think of sports that present a high risk of death such as
mountain climbing or bungee jumping?
2. Have you ever thought of climbing Mt. Everest? Why or why not?
3. If you died while playing an extreme sport, would that be a glamorous
death or just a stupid accident?
4. Do you think that extreme sports enthusiasts are suicidal?
Vocabulary & Expressions
subdue : to take control of a place by defeating the people who live there
exhilarate : to make someone feel very excited and happy (n. exhilaration)
grueling : very tiring because you have to use a lot of effort for a long time
akin to : very similar to something
sublimate : to use the energy that comes from sexual feelings to do something such as work or
art that is more acceptable to your society
aggression : angry or threatening behavior or feelings that often result in fighting
transcend : to go above or beyond the limits of something
banal : too ordinary and not interesting because of a lack of new of different ideas
mundane: ordinary and uninteresting