Page 85 - PowerE-L05-C
P. 85
Lesson 7 Lesson 10
Vocabulary p.27 Vocabulary p.39
1. typical 1. REVELATION
2. impractical 2. SURREAL
3. radical 3. BOMBSHELL
4. novelty 4. ADAMANT
5. norms 5. PHILANDER
Grammar p.27 Grammar p.39
1. are (‘Surfing the Internet and playing soccer’ is plural, so the verb must be ‘are’.) 1. ADVERB
2. knows (Everyone takes a singular verb.) 2. ADVERB
3. sing (‘we’ is plural, so the verb must be ‘sing’.) 3. ADJECTIVE
4. do (The subject-verb agreement rules apply to all personal pronouns except I and 4. ADVERB
you, which, although SINGULAR, require PLURAL forms of verbs.) 5. ADJECTIVE
5. are (‘Nancy and Sarah’ is plural, so the verb must be ‘are’.)
Exercises p.40
Exercises p.28 1. ADOPTION
1, 2, 3. happily, happy. Happiness 2. CONCEIVE
4, 5. Realistic, realism 3. ABORTION
Reading Comprehension p.29 5. RESPONSIBILITY
1. conservative
2. dangerous Reading Comprehension p.41
3. marriage 1. A.
4. liberal 2. B.
5. liberal 3. true
4. false
5. true
Lesson 8
Vocabulary p.31
1. A. extreme Lesson 11
2. B. primitive Vocabulary p.43
3. C. conquer 1. A. a person who is present at an event without participating in it.
4. A. subdue 2. C. sexually attractive
5. B. bondage 3. B. harmless
4. A. indifferent
5. A. lures
Grammar p.31
1. helps - help (use the verb that agrees with the number of the subject in the
sentence) Grammar p.43
2. friendly - friends (place a noun as an object after a transitive verb) 1. A. (The correct word is “uproarious”. An adjective is needed to modify the noun.)
3. much - many (use the correct quantifier for countable nouns) 2. B. (The correct word is “his”. Use the possessive form of the pronoun here.)
4. to - from (use the correct preposition that shows source or origin) 3. A. (The correct word is “breed” since only one breed is being talked about,
5. honesty - honest (use an adjective to describe the object) supported by the single pronoun “It”, the singular linking verb “was”, and the
indefinite article “a”.)
4. A. (The correct word is “seductive”. An adjective is needed to modify the noun.)
Exercises p.32 5. A. (The correct word is “want”. The base form of the verb should be used after the
1. HEIGHTS helping verb “do”.)
3. GASPING . Exercises p.44
4. ACCIDENTS 1. B. It was a very noisy cheer!
5. SEEKERS 2. B. I laugh when I see victims of a stolen shot. (A stolen shot is candid.)
3. Yes, I have seen candid camera shows many times.
Reading Comprehension p.33 4. I would feel really embarrassed. /
1. A. Extreme sports I would really feel embarrassed.
2. A. Proving to himself that they can go beyond limits 5. They often look surprised.
3. A. It is a legal way of expressing their passion
4. True Reading Comprehension p.45
5. True 1. A. candid camera
2. B. spoofs
3. A. with a seductive babe enticing a stranger
Lesson 9 4. C. laugh
5. B. He shouts and calls the police.
Vocabulary p.35
1. A. hedonist
2. B. immemorial
3. C. realism Lesson 12
4. C. pragmatism Vocabulary p.47
5. A. prerequisite 1. A. desiring
2. B. loud
Grammar p.35 3. C. effect
1. LIFE (meaningful, loud, fat) 4. A. difficult to foretell
2. HOUSE (stout, huge, oily) 5. A. many times
3. JOURNEY (long, salty, wide)
4. PARTY (thin, short, enjoyable) Grammar p.47
5. MOVIE (bumpy, boring, sleepy) 1. C. (The correct word is “of”.)
2. A. (The correct word is “mere”. An adjective should be used, not an adverb.)
Exercises p.36 3. C. (The correct word is “makes”. The subject “combination” is singular, so the verb
1. WEALTHY must be singular in form, too.)
2. HAPPINESS 4. D. (The correct word is “whole” meaning “entire”.)
3. CONTENTMENT 5. A. (The correct word is “His”. A possessive pronoun should be used.)
5. PLEASURE Exercises p.48
1. I express my feelings more verbally.
Reading Comprehension p.37 2. I have written a love letter twice.
1. A. 3. Yes, I do take action for my love.
2. B. 4. I think it is sometimes reasonable. /
3. A. I think it is reasonable sometimes. /
4. false Sometimes, I think it is reasonable.
5. true 5. Of course, I say I love you.
Reading Comprehension p.49
1. B. mere noise
2. D. acquaintances’ verbal praise
3. C. odd
4. C. 20 years
5. B. when they were driving in silence