Page 86 - PowerE-L05-C
P. 86
Lesson 13 Lesson 16
Vocabulary p.51 Vocabulary p.63
1. A. fetus [unborn baby] 1. B. merciful
2. C. abort [ to abandon or leave something prematurely] 2. B. bossy
3. C. necessity [something essential and basic] 3. C. bad-tempered
4. B. implemented [carried or fulfilled] 4. A. drank
5. A. limit [to restrict the quantity of something] 5. C. examination
Grammar p.51 Grammar p.63
1. A. 1. B. adjective
2. A. 2. A. conjunction
3. C. 3. A. noun
4. A. 4. C. adverb
5. B. 5. D. verb
Exercises p.52 Exercises p.64
1. OPINION 1. B. interrogative (It asks a question.)
2. FACT 2. D. imperative (It tells a command or request.)
3. OPINION 3. A. declarative (It is a statement.)
4. FACT 4. B. interrogative
5. OPINION 5. A. declarative
Reading Comprehension p.53 Reading Comprehension p.65
1. B. 1. False
2. A. 2. True
3. A. 3. False
4. A. 4. True
5. B. 5. True
Lesson 14 Lesson 17
Vocabulary p.55 Vocabulary p.67
Grammar p.55 Grammar p.67
1. A. (The correct word is “denies”. The subject is singular, so the verb must be 1. C. struggled (The action happened in the past, so the past tense of the verb
singular as well.) should be used.)
2. D. (The correct word is “infidel”. An adjective is needed to modify the noun, not a 2. A. a (The article “a” is used for singular, indefinite nouns. It is used before a word
noun like “infidelity”.) starting with a consonant sound.)
3. B. (The correct word is “confronted”. Use the past participle of the verb in the pas 3. B. patient’s (The correct possessive form of the noun should be used.)
sive voice.) 4. B. depressing (The adjective form of the word should be used.)
4. D. (The correct word is “on”. “On” is used to indicate the object affected by a 5. C. They (The subjective pronoun should be used as subject in the sentence.)
figurative action.)
5. C. (The correct word is “her”. A feminine pronoun must be used here since the
subject is feminine.) Exercises p.68
1. I think people have the right to die.
2. I think euthanasia is quite rude and unfair. /
Exercises p.56 I think euthanasia is quite unfair and rude.
1. I think it is unfair. 3. I would still fight for my life.
2. I will confront him/her. 4. Yes, euthanasia is practiced here.
3. I never imagined that my spouse would have an affair. 5. I think it should be prohibited.
4. I definitely won’t do it. /
Definitely, I won’t do it.
5. Yes, I think men are more likely to have an affair. Reading Comprehension p.69
1. C. an alien from a low budget sci-fi movie
2. D. EKG
Reading Comprehension p.57 3. A. He clenches his hands.
1. C. the narrator’s father 4. D. a man in isolation
2. D. from a friend 5. D. mercy killing
3. C. It would break her heart.
4. E. A and C
5. A. He would be the last person in the world to be infidel.
Lesson 18
Vocabulary p.71
Lesson 15 1. C. necessity
2. A. underdeveloped
Vocabulary p.59 3. C. indispensable
1. C. derision (Derision is ridicule or silly remark.) 4. B. despises
2. B. perplexing (Perplexing is confusing or complicated.) 5. C. inappropriate
3. B. concede (To concede is to reluctantly admit something.)
5. PATRIARCHAL Grammar p.71
1. B. adjective
2. D. noun
Grammar p.59 3. A. prepositions
1. C. noun 4. C. conjunction
2. B. adjective 5. D. adjective
3. B. pronoun
4. D. adjective
5. C. conjunction Exercises p.72
1. Yes, I am emotional.
2. I easily cry over sad things.
Exercises p.60 3. Humor and intelligence turn me on. /
1. Dependent Intelligence and humor turn me on.
2. Independent 4. Untidiness and boastfulness turn me off. /
3. Independent Boastfulness and untidiness turn me off.
4. Dependent 5. My ideal mate is someone who can make me happy. /
5. Independent Someone who can make me happy is my ideal mate.
Reading Comprehension p.60 Reading Comprehension p.73
1. D. housewife 1. A. men
2. A. Yes. 2. B. women
3. True 3. B. cognitive people
4. B. social change 4. D. auditory people
5. D. her children 5. D. a woman with a great personality