Page 12 - SB_G3.2_M6-10_Flip
P. 12
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Big Idea
Words About Animal Behaviors
The words in the chart below will help you talk and write about the texts
in this module. Which words about animal behaviors have you seen
before? Which words are new to you?
Add to the Vocabulary Network on page 13 by writing synonyms,
antonyms, and related words and phrases for each word.
After you read each selection in this module, come back to the Vocabulary
Network and keep building it. Add more ovals if you need to.
hatch An animal will hatch from an We were amazed when we
(verb) egg when it breaks out of the saw the turtle hatch from its
shell by itself. egg.
universal When something is universal, All living things have a
(adjective) it applies to everyone. universal need for water.
span A span is a period of time Bulldogs have a life span of
(noun) between two events or dates, about 8 to 10 years.
usually marking something
growth Growth happens when The scientist measured the
(noun) someone or something gets growth of the baby turtle.
older and/or bigger.