Page 17 - SB_G3.2_M6-10_Flip
P. 17

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                                                 5. The frog
                                                freezes solid.

                                 1. The frog
                               starts as an egg.
                                                                                     6. In warmer
                                                                                    weather, the frog
                                                                                       thaws out!

                                                6     Cells are the building blocks that make up
                                                  all living things. According to Olla, water drains
                                                  from the frog’s cells. It is replaced with a sugary

                                                  liquid that doesn’t freeze and protects the cells
                                                  from the cold. Then, the space between the
                                                  cells freezes, and the frog’s heart stops beating.
                                                  The frog seems to be frozen solid!

                                                7    The frog can stay frozen for weeks or
                                                  months. When the temperature warms, the
                                                  process reverses. Sugar moves out of the frog’s
                                                  cells, and water moves back in. After a while,
                                                  the frog’s heart starts to beat again. If the

                                                  temperature changes often, the wood frog can
                                                  freeze and thaw many times.
                  2. The egg
                  hatches into                  8    Olla says people often ask why she’s spent so
                   a tadpole.                     much time studying a little frog. “It doesn’t look
                                                  special,” she says. “But when you examine it

                                                  closely, you find it’s one of the most remarkable
                                                  creatures on Earth.”

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