Page 265 - SB_G3.2_M6-10_Flip
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14 In my opinion, Gene Barretta is right to say that the light
bulb “changed how we live.” It brought safe, bright, and long-
lasting light to homes, offices, and factories. Today, we do not
have to stop doing things just because it is dark. With
floodlights, we can play sports and go to concerts at night.
Streetlights, traffic lights, and automobile headlights make our
roads much safer. The light bulb has made a huge difference
to how we live. It is certainly Edison’s best invention. Still not
convinced? Let’s look at some more facts . . .
Edison used Greek roots to name many of his inventions. For example, the word
kinetograph comes from two Greek roots: kinetikos [kuh-NET-eek-oss], the Greek
word for movement, and graphe [graf-ay], the Greek word for writing.
Kinetoscope also has two Greek roots kinetikos and skopos [suh-KOH-
poss], the Greek word for target. Kinetophone has the Greek roots
kinetikos and phone [fuh-OH-nay], the Greek word for sound or voice.
Phonograph also has two Greek root. Can you tell what they are?
Notice how knowing the meaning of the Greek roots can help you
figure out what the inventions do. You can use the same trick for a lot of
words used in science. If you know what the roots are, you can break
the word down and figure out what it means.