Page 48 - PowerE-L03-C
P. 48

Lesson  12



                                              Having an interview in English is not easy.

                                              Each company has a different interview

                                              process according to the job position.

                                              During the interview, I try to appeal my strengths

                                              and confidence to the interviewers.


                     Grammar                                                             Having / company /
                                                                                         according / During /
                                                                                         appeal / confidence
               *each + singular
                       ► In a football match, each team has 11 players.

                       ► Each player has three cards in this game.

                     Questions                                                           Vocabulary &
               1. Have you ever had a job interview?                                 inevitable: Certain to hap-
               2. Have you ever had an interview in English?                         pen and impossible to avoid

               3. What do you prepare for an interview in English?                   neat: Tidy and carefully
               4. What do you wear when you have an interview?                       accompany: To go some-
               5. Have you ever interviewed someone?                                 where with someone,
                                                                                     especially in order to look
                                                                                     after them
                                                                                     applicant: Someone who
                     Sample Ansvwers                                                 has formally asked, usually
                                                                                     in writing, for a job, univer-
               1. Yes, I have. To get a job, interviews are inevitable.              sity place, etc.

               2. Yes, I have. When I applied to the foreign company
                   last year, I had an interview in English.
               3. I usually make lists of expected questions and practice answering
                   them in English.

               4. I always wear neat suits for an interview.
               5. Yes, I have. When I worked for previous company, I accompanied my
                   boss to interview some applicants.

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