Page 52 - PowerE-L03-C
P. 52
Lesson 13
Mobile phone
Cell phones must be set to vibration mode
or turned off during the meeting.
I want to get a cell phone with a
digital camera.
Text message is very useful when people
have troubletalking on the cell phone.
*must: necessity and obligation / In affirmative statements,
we can use must to say what is necessary and to
give strong advice and orders to ourselves or other
► Plants must get enough light and water if they are to
grow properly.
► You must be here before six o’clock tomorrow.
Questions must / vibration / get /
Text / useful / trouble
1. How long have you been using a cell phone?
2. What do you think of sending a text message instead of calling?
3. Who do you call mostly with a cell phone?
4. What do you think of live bell service? Are you using it?
5. Have you ever checked out your e-mails using your cell phone?
If so, how was it?
Sample Answers
Vocabulary &
1. I’ve been using a cell phone for 10 years. Expressions
2. Personally, I prefer sending text messages
instead of calling if it’s not an urgent matter. vibration: A continuous slight
shaking movement
3. I mostly call my girlfriend with my cell phone. obligation: A moral or legal
4. I’m using live bell service and I think it’s an duty to do something
urgent: Very important and
enjoyable service. needing to be dealt with
5. No, I haven’t. I’ve heard that the connecting fee immediately
is quite expensive.