Page 135 - SB_G4.1_M1-5_Flip
P. 135

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                    MY PERSONAL                                                                                          myNotes


                 4  I don’t remember a time when I could see. When I was three I was
                    diagnosed with a brain tumor that pressed against my optic nerve, and I
                    gradually lost my sight. At first I walked
                    with a cane, but canes can be awkward. I
                    got my first guide dog when I was 11, and
                    about a year and a half ago, I got Twyla.

                 5     A lot of people think that when Twyla
                    sees a green light, she knows that it’s time
                    to cross the street. But that’s not how it
                    works. It’s all on my command. So when
                    we get to a street corner, I have to listen
                    for cars, then tell her to cross the street. Or
                    if there’s a bike in the sidewalk, it’s not the
                    dog’s job to move it. Her job is to figure
                    out a way around the bike.

                 6     Is it nerve-racking to walk down a
                    sidewalk and wonder if I’m going to fall
                    into a big hole? Not at all. I have to trust
                    the dog. If you start denying what the dog
                    is telling you, she’s going to get nervous
                    and lose all her training. I have to trust her.

                 7     Twyla and I are a team. She knows my
                    schedule at school and just takes me to
                    class. If I need to go someplace she’s not
                    expecting, I give her directions. The idea is
                    that if I’ve said, “Right,” and we’re not quite
                                                                       Sometimes Twyla takes a
                    to the hallway, she thinks, “OK, I’ll turn          nap when I’m in class.
                    right at the hallway that’s coming up,”
                    instead of running me into some lockers.

                      command  If you do something on command, you do it because you were told to.
                      denying  Denying something means not believing that it’s true.

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