Page 238 - SB_G4.1_M1-5_Flip
P. 238

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           Big Idea

                                        Words About Heroism

                                        The words in the chart will help you talk and write about the selections in this

                                        module. Which words about heroism have you seen before? Which words are
                                        new to you?

                                        Add to the Vocabulary Network on page 239 by writing synonyms, antonyms,

                                        and related words and phrases for each word about heroism.

                                        After you read each selection in this module, come back to the Vocabulary

                                        Network and keep building it. Add more ovals if you need to.

                                             WORD                  MEANING                    CONTEXT SENTENCE

                                         aspire           When you aspire to do          I aspire to be an author
                                         (verb)           something, you have strong     one day.
                                                          hopes to achieve it.

                                         confidence       If you have confidence, you    Joe has confidence in his
                                         (noun)           have strong and sure feelings   ability to do well in the
                                                          about yourself.                cooking contest.

                                         endeavor         If you endeavor to do          Joon and Juan endeavor to
                                         (verb)           something, you try very hard   finish the group project
                                                          to do it.                      before it’s due.

                                         fearlessness     Having fearlessness in a       Climbing the rock wall
                                         (noun)           situation means that you are   requires a certain level of
                                                          not scared and feel brave.     fearlessness.

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