Page 235 - SB_G4.1_M1-5_Flip
P. 235

DO NOT EDIT--Changes must be made through “File info”

                  REVISE AND EDIT                                                             Review your draft.

               The revision and editing steps give you a chance to look carefully at your draft

               and make changes. Work with a partner to determine whether you have clearly
               made your argument and supported it with reasons, facts, and examples. Use

               these questions to help you evaluate and improve your letter.

                      PURPOSE/            ORGANIZATION            EVIDENCE              LANGUAGE/            CONVENTIONS
                        FOCUS                                                          VOCABULARY

                 … …Did I state my     … …Does my letter      … …Did I write facts   … …Did I use linking   … …Is each word
                    argument              have a strong          and examples          words and             spelled correctly?
                    clearly?              introduction?          that explain my       phrases that
                                                                 argument?             make my writing    … …Have I used
                 … …Have I written a   … …Have I provided a                            flow smoothly?        capital letters
                    convincing            strong              … …Did I include text                          and punctuation
                    argument?             conclusion?            evidence from                               marks properly?
                                                                 my reading?

                  PUBLISH                                                                     Share your work.

               Create a Finished Copy  Make a final copy of your letter. Choose a way to share
               your writing. Consider these options:

                   1  Add your letter to your writing portfolio so you can see how your writing

                       improves during the year.

                   2  Scan or create a digital copy of your letter and upload it to your

                       school or class website.

                   3  Present your letter as a speech to your class. Ask your
                       classmates what they think of your ideas.

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