Page 6 - SB_G4.1_M1-5_Flip
P. 6

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                  MODULE             Come to Your Senses
                    2                     SCIENCE CONNECTION: Using the Senses ..................................................98

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              myNotes           myNotes
                 FIVE SENSES
                Human beings have five senses — sight, hearing, taste, smell, and  ?  What Are the Five Senses? ........................................................104
               Read  WHAT ARE THE
                touch — that help us form a perception of our surroundings. Our
                senses allow us to enjoy our world, learn more about it, and even
                protect ourselves. When we see, hear, taste, smell, or touch something,
                information travels to our brains to tell us what’s going on.
                        Smell  Sight  Taste
                        4  The olfactory nerve in   5 Our eyeballs have a lens at   6 Our tongues are covered with   INFOGRAPHIC
                          the front and a retina at
                        the nose delivers
                            tiny bumps called taste buds,
                Hearing  Touch  messages about smells,   the back. The lens focuses   or papillae (puh-pih-lee).
                        or aromas, to the brain.   images onto the retina.   When we taste something,
                          those images as pieces of
                            to the brain to identify the
                        distinguish among
                2  We have an outer ear and an inner ear.   3  The sense of touch is experienced   We can detect and   The optic nerve sends   the papillae send information
                The outer ear acts like a cup to catch   through the whole body. When we
                sounds as they move past us. Sounds   come into contact with something,   seven different aromas:   information to the brain.   flavor. Taste buds detect four
                          The brain creates a three-
                            different flavors: sweet, salty,
                        camphor, musk, flower,
                enter the inner ear through a spiral-shaped   nerve endings in our skin send tactile   mint, ether, acrid,   dimensional image that   sour, and bitter. Everything
                tube called the cochlea. The auditory   information to the brain. We can detect
                nerve sends the sounds as information to   four different sensations through   and putrid.   helps us tell how close we   you taste includes one or
                            more of these flavors.
                          are to objects around us.
                the brain. The brain uses this information   touch: cold, heat, contact, and pain.
                to tell us how far away sounds are and   retina  bitter
                where they’re coming from.  nerve olfactory   brain  lens  optic nerve
                    hair  nasal cavity  sour
                outer ear  auditory nerve  epidermis  nerve
                   dermis   salt
                sound   aroma
             104              sweet  105
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                                     The Science Behind Sight ........................................................... 106
                                     by Louise Spilsbury
                                     INFORMATIONAL TEXT
                  4re_se_m2_sight.indd   107  2/26/2018   3:25:35 AM
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                     ANIMAL          Animal Senses ....................................................................................126
                      from Animal Atlas
                                     from Animal Atlas
                                     INFORMATIONAL VIDEO
                  4re_se_m2_animalsenses.indd   127  2/26/2018   3:19:22 AM
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                            myNotes  Blind Ambition....................................................................................132
                   by Matthew Cooper      as told to Rachel Buchholz  by Matthew Cooper as told to Rachel Buchholz
                   photographs by Karine Aigner
                                     PERSONAL NARRATIVE
                  4re_se_m2_blind.indd   133  2/26/2018   3:20:30 AM
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                                     The Game of Silence ........................................................................142
                                     by Louise Erdrich • illustrated by Paolo Domeniconi
                                     HISTORICAL FICTION
                   by Louise Erdrich   illustrated by Paolo Domeniconi
                  4re_se_m2_silenc.indd   143  3/5/2018   4:55:42 AM
                                     Performance Task
                                     Write an Informative Article ..........................160
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