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MODULE Heroic Feats
4 SOCIAL STUDIES CONNECTION: Goals ...................................................236
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myNotes 1 Heroes come in many forms. A hero is someone who has CONFIDENCE myNotes
Short Some heroes are fictional
Read characters. They appear in 6 An ancient Chinese legend tells of a young woman named
books or movies. Others are Hua Mulan who bravely takes her father’s place in the Who’s a Hero? ..................................................................................... 242
real people. They’re folks we army, fighting bravely alongside warriors with much more
see every day. But what exactly
makes someone a hero? experience. Her secret is her training. Mulan’s father had
drilled her in the martial arts, so she is sure of herself when
she goes into battle.
A hero is someone who shows COURAGE 7 officers train carefully so they know how to react in
Confidence is crucial for real-life heroes, too. Police
Many heroes show fearlessness through their brave
2 dangerous situations. Hard work and preparation
deeds. In Greek mythology, the hero Hercules has give everyday people the confidence to respond
to complete twelve impossible tasks, including
killing the Nemean lion and defeating the terrifying heroically to challenges.
Hydra — a monster with nine heads! Hercules
courageously completes all his tasks.
3 Real-life heroes are equally courageous. A hero is someone who is DETERMINED
Firefighters don’t hesitate to race into burning 8 Many athletes are heroes because they inspire us with INFORMATIONAL TEXT
buildings to rescue people and pets. Airline pilots their hard work and determination. Sports heroes
sometimes land planes in brutal weather. Being
brave is part of their work. It’s what they do. spend years sharpening their skills. They may fail more
than they succeed, but they seldom give up.
9 Charlotte’s Web, Charlotte is one determined spider.
The same is true for many fictional heroes. In
A hero is someone who CARES She works valiantly to rescue Wilbur the pig from an
4 Heroes endeavor to improve the lives of others. Doctors and unhappy fate. Against all odds, the gentle spider saves
her friend’s life.
nurses strive every day to treat people suffering from injury
and illness. Volunteers step forward to help people, animals,
or the environment.
5 The greatest fictional heroes also care. 10 Now that you know what it takes to be a hero,
Think about comic book heroes. They why not aspire to be one yourself? You don’t
perform all sorts of dazzling feats, but need to slay monsters or break records—just
find your own special way to be a hero and
it’s why they do what they do that really
matters. They’re heroes because they help make the world a better place!
use their superpowers to help others.
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Prince Charming Misplaces His Bride ...............................244
by Christopher Healy • illustrated by Davide Ortu
by Christopher Healy
illustrated by Davide Ortu
4re_se_m4_prince.indd 245 3/6/2018 1:26:38 PM
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Smokejumpers to the Rescue! ..................................................266
by Laurie Toupin
by Laurie Toupin
4re_se_m4_smokejump.indd 267 3/6/2018 12:54:39 PM
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Perseus and the Fall of Medusa ...............................................274
THE FALL by Claire Daniel • illustrated by Pep Boatella
retold by Claire Daniel * illustrated by Pep Boatella
4re_se_m4_perseus.indd 275 10/12/2018 3:14:40 AM
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THE BATTLE The Battle of the Alamo ...............................................................288
by Amie Jane Leavitt
by Amie Jane Leavitt • illustrated by Martin Bustamante
illustrated by Martin Bustamante
4re_se_m4_alamo.indd 289 2/28/2018 4:23:04 AM
Performance Task
Write a Play .....................................................306