Page 15 - TOEFL_Basic-2
P. 15
f ~ A. Read the prompt. Then take turns answering the questions with a partner.
What do you think is the pe서ect job? Explain.
1. What do you think is the perfect job?
2. 00 you know anyone with this job? Who?
3. What is your favorite thing about the job?
4. Why is this job perfect?
B. Make a Iist of interesting jobs with your classmates.
C. Read the prompt. Then complete the answers with your own information.
Talk about someone you know who is happy with his or her career.
Who? is really happy with his/her career ‘
What? He/She works as a
When? He/She started working at his/her job
Why? He/She loves his/her job because
률 댐 Now practice your answers with a partner.
D. Make a list of reasons to have a great job with a partneι
26 Speaking