Page 18 - TOEFL_Basic-2
P. 18

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        Getting Ready to Speak

        A.  Learn the words.

           stainless stee   a type of metal that does not rust
           curve         a line that gradually bends like  part of a circle
           movement      an  effort by a large group of people to try to change something
           sunburst      a burst of sunlight

           technical     requiring  specialized  knowledge or ability, especially in  math  α
           diverse       made up of many differing parts
           worldwide     all  over the world
           interior      the  inside of a building , especially the way it  is decorated
           disposal      the  power to  use something

        B.  Read the passage. Then answer the questions.

                                    Art Deco Architecture
                Architecture became more technical in  the twentieth century. This meant that
             buildings could be taller. These new very tall  buildings were called skyscrapers
             The first ones were in  America.  One of the most popular styles of design in the
              1920s  was  Art  Deco.  Its  influences  were  diverse.  It  could  be  seen  on  the
             buildings and  inside them  too.  Many buildings were  made  with  stainless  steel
             and  glass. They often  had  large spires and  big curves.  This  style can  be seen
             on  the Chrysler building in  New York.

           1.  What was one of the most popular styles of design in  the  1920s'7
             One  of the  most  popular styles  of  design  in  the  1920s  was
           2.  What were many Art Deco buildings built with'7
             Many Art Deco buildings were  built with
           3.  What do you  think the  lecture will  be about?
              1  think that the  lecture will be about
             Now practice the questions and answers with a partner.
           C.  Listen and repeat.
                                                                      Integrated  29
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