Page 31 - TOEFL_Basic-2
P. 31


       Step 1
       ‘  J LI:>>~en to the conversation and take notes.  I흩톨흩렐

             Woman                               Man

             • Wants  to                         • Is worried  about
             • Won't                             •  Doesn't want to

             •  Doesn't have                     •  Needs  to

             • Will give

       Step 2
              E'  prompt

             The  students are  discussing sharing the man’s essay.  Discuss the  man’s and
             the  woman’s ideas  about  helping  each  other.  Then, state  if  you  would  share
             your essay with the woman and why.

       Step 3

                outlinp for vo
          The conversation  is about
             A.  The woman
                1.  wants to
                2.  doesn’t have time  to
                3.  will give
             B.  The man
                1.  is worried  about
                2.  doesn’t want to
                3.  needs  to
          Conclusion:  I would

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