Page 34 - TOEFL_Basic-2
P. 34

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       Getting Ready to Speak

      A.  learn the words.

              따  때   빼  뼈   to  admire and value  someone else

           뼈            accumulated  knowledge from  life experience
          때             to  guide someone
                        to  free yourself of something

         diligent       hard-worki n 9
         neglect        to  ignore someone or something
         charity        the  giving  of one’s free time, money, α goods to people who
                        need help
         welfare        well-being
         simultaneousl   at the  same time

      B.  Read the prompt. Then answer the questions.
                          Talk about a family member who you  respect.
         1.  Which family member do you  respect?
            I respect my
         2.  Why do you  respect him  or  her?
            I respect my                           because

         3.  00 you want to  be like this family member? Why or why not?
            I want/don’t want to be like  my                 because

      t  1  Now practice the questions and answers with a partneι

         C.  listen and repeat.
                                                               UNIT ‘  Independent  45
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