Page 7 - TOEFL_Basic-2
P. 7


       Step 1

             Describe  a movie  or  book that  has  had  a  positive  influence  on  you.  Include
             specific details and examples in  your response.

       Step 2
          a~<:: an outline for your response.

                What happened                 How it influenced you


       Step 3
             a  n:Sponse using your outline from above.

                The                           had a very positive influence on my life
             It is about

             It taught me

             1 hope

        률 í  Work with a partner. Take turns saying your response. Then change partners
             two more times. Time yourselves!
             Your time:        seconds        Partner one’s time:       seconds
             Your time:        seconds        Partner two’s time:       seconds
             Your time:        seconds        Partner three’s time      seconds
       18   Speaking
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