Page 9 - TOEFL_Basic-2
P. 9
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A. Read the announcement again and underline the key information.
Change of Bus Route
The university bus system will change one bus route. In the past, buses have
stopped in front of SaveMart on Preston Road . However, not enough students
use the Preston Road bus route. The university wil l no longer run buses to
Preston Road. Students using the Preston Road bus stop should begin using
the Davis Boulevard stop a half kilometer to the south of the old Preston Road
bus stop. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause students.
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“ B. Listen to the conversation and take notes. 톨훌효홉I
Man Woman
• The school is • Not happy about
• Used bus route to
• Take the bus to
• It will be
• Walk to
• The university doesrγthave __ _ • The university should spend less on
C. Read the prompt.
The woman and man express their opinions about the announcement made by
the university bus service. State their opinions and explain the reasons they
give for holding those opinions.
20 I Speaking I