Page 84 - TOEFL_Basic-2
P. 84
Getting Ready to Speak
A. Learn the words.
exceptionally smart
someone who investigates when something wrong happens
something that helps to understand or solve a mystery
someone who shares an activity with another person
- .. 인를 illll'liI순민l!lf;피’ ..
to study something closely
not clear in meaning
to say what will happen; to guess
to show how something or someone is connected to something or
someone else
a secret plan , usually to commit some crime
B. Listen to the first part of a lecture. Then answer the questions.
1. What is the lecture mainly about?
The lecture is mainly about
2. What did Bronte, Wordsworth , and Wells all do?
The authors all
3. What else do you think the professor will discuss in this lecture?
I think the professor will discuss
Now practice the questions and answers with a partneι
C. Listen and repeat.
Integrated 95