Page 89 - TOEFL_Basic-2
P. 89


        Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

                 brilliant        detective           partner         clues
                 distract         preparation         unclear         keen

          1.  After a crime occurs, a            usually comes to find  out what
          2.  It  is much easier to row a canoe with  a       than  doing it by
          3.  Leonardo Da Vinci  was a             artist, sculptor, and  scientist
          4.  Fingerprints are one of the first         that police look for at a crime
             scene ’
          5.  Children are often             to  play games.
          6.  Loud  students often             other students who are trying to  study
          7.  Often people read  about where they are going  in        for  going  on
          8.  Even  now, doctors are  still         about exactly how the  brain works.

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