Page 93 - TOEFL_Basic-2
P. 93


       Step 1
              e prompt.

             0 0 you want to go to  university in  a big or small city? Why?

       Step 2
              n outline for your response.

                Reason 1                      Reason 2

                Support                       Support


       Step 3
            a  It~sponse using your outhne from above.

                I want to go to university in                             city.
                           cities are best equipped for me because

             Likewise ,

             30,                                            cities are best for me.

       g ¥  Work with a partner. Take turns saying your response. Then change partners
             two more times. Time yourselves!
             Your time :       seconds       Partner one’s time:       seconds
             Your time:        seconds       Partner two’s time:       seconds
             Your time:        seconds       Partner three’s time:     seconds

       104   Speaking
   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98