Page 97 - TOEFL_Basic-2
P. 97
Step 1
e announcement.
Additions to the Dorm Lounge
The dorm council has decided to renovate the dorm lounge. The focus of this
project will be a new entertainment unit. The unit will hold a new television and
DVD player. They will be added next month. Now students will have a place to
study and relax. Hence, this will be good for all students occupying the 10니 nge .
Dorm residents can use the new equipment anytime
Step 2
I Lnten to the conversation and take notes. 11률뀔페
Woman Man
• Learns that dorm council is • Thinks it will be
and • Believes that more people will __
• Thinks it's
• Thinks the lounge is for • Wants to know
• Knows that people can't • Thinks the woman should
• Usually
• Thinks it’5 a
Step 3
The woman expresses her opinion of the announcement made about the additions
to the dorm lounge. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for
holding that opinion.
108 Speaking