Page 98 - TOEFL_Basic-2
P. 98

Step 4
             an  nll+lin~ for vour response.
           Opinion:  The woman  is
                A.  The  woman thinks the  dorm  lounge
                   1.  is for
                   2.  is  not  for
                B.  She  goes there
                   1.  to
                   2.  to

       Step 5

            01 런ponse using your outline from above.

                The  woman  is
             q ’ h ”   α e   g   h   %  o
             ]   〕              야  때            not to
              ι Q  e  Jm  ” M   p   뼈
             ]  ”       뼈    뼈
              ιn  q  α e   $   m   e  +- 0
             ]   〕       빼    )   -
             q ’ h  삐  e   M  야   y
             ]  ”

       f  ~  Work with a partner. Take turns saying your response. Then change partners
             two more times. Time yourselves!
             Your time:        seconds       Partner one’s time:        seconds
             Your time:        seconds       Partner two’s time:        seconds
             Your time:        seconds       Partner three’s tíme ‘     seconds

                                                                UNIT ~  Integrated  109
   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103