Page 100 - TOEFL_Basic-2
P. 100

[  10]

       Getting Ready to Speak

       A.  Learn the words.

                     without interfering people, factors , or  influences
                     feeling  pleased , satisfied , and  happy
                     to  make better
                     a three-dimensional  piece of art

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                     in  contrast; on  the other hand
                     for society
                     impressive;  wonderful
                     not lasting for a long time
                     the industry of people traveling for  p l eas 니 re

       B.  Read  the prompt. Then answer the questions.

                                Talk about your art experiences.
         1.  What  is your favorite kind of art to  look at? Why?
            My favorite  art to  look at           because
         2.  What  is your favorite  kind of art to  make? Why?
            My favorite art to  make            because
         3.  Where  is the closest art museum to where you  live?
            The closest art  museum to  my  home is

            Now practice the questions and answers with a partneι

         C.  Listen and repeat.

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