Page 95 - TOEFL_Basic-2
P. 95
A. Read the announcement again and underline the key information.
Dormitory Games Room
There will be a new games room created in our dorm. It will open in September.
An old living space will be renovated. This room will have a pool table, card
tables, and other activities. Students will be able to interact with one another
here. We hope this will help build a strong community. Please send any opposition
to this plan to the resident advisor
B. Listen to the conversation and take notes.
Man Woman
• Thinks the games room will __ _ • Doesn't
• Thinks students should
• Can't wait for not
• Thinks it sounds like
• Thinks both and
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• This is better because
• Can spend free time
• Might make
C. Read the prompt.
The man expresses his opinion of the announcement made about the new
dormitory games room. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for
holding that opinion.
106 Speaking