Page 47 - PowerE-L05-B
P. 47
Reading Comprehension
Fill in the blanks with the correct answer according to the essay.
1. I want to have enough to make a _____ team.
A. baseball
B. basketball
C. tennis
D. soccer
2. I imagine a big family of about _____ kids going out with their
mom and dad…
A. 3 or 4
B. 4 or 5
C. 5 or 6
D. 6 or 7
3. …to go on a picnic in the park on _____.
A. weekdays
B. weekends
C. Saturdays
D. Sundays
4. …it evokes golden memories such as the _____ my mother
used to bake in winter.
A. creamy carbonara
B. chocolate cake
C. warm pudding
D. sweet bread
5. My parents were struggling to cope with the _____of the 50’s.
A. emotional depression
B. economic depression
C. physical depression
D. hunger and fatigue