Page 50 - PowerE-L05-B
P. 50

Lesson  12


                   Arrange the words in the proper order to make a sentence that

                   answers the question.

                   1.   What kind of exercise do you usually do?


                          I, for, a, walk, ten, take, every, minutes, day

                   2.   Which one do you prefer, having exercise or doing a diet?


                          I, having, prefer, for, exercise, my, health

                   3.   What do you think makes people physically healthy?


                          regular exercise, and, people, make, healthy, a balanced diet

                   Fill in the blank with the correct punctuation mark for the sen-


                   4.   I take a walk ____ I swim as well.

                          A. colon ( : )
                          B. semicolon ( ; )
                          C. apostrophe ( ‘ )

                   5.   Do you exercise regularly _____
                          A. period ( . )
                          B. exclamation point ( ! )
                          C. question mark ( ? )

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