Page 56 - PowerE-L05-B
P. 56

Lesson  14

               IQ vs. EQ

                                                   What  is  more  important,  IQ  or  EQ?  An ‘Intel-
                                             ligence Quotient’ or IQ is a number calculated from a

                                             set of standardized tests to measure a person’s intel-
                                             ligence in relation to one’s age group. Genetically, you

                                             are born with IQ. IQ test scores are related to the brain
                                             structure and function, including  performance on plain

                                             tasks that anyone can complete within a few seconds.
               IQ is associated with scholastic, occupation, socioeconomic advancement, etc.

               On the other hand, EI (Emotional Intelligence) or EQ (Emotional Intelligence
               Quotient) describes one’s ability, capacity, or skill to distinguish, assess, and

               control the emotions of oneself and others. EQ isn’t precise as IQ. Therefore,

               some people say EQ can be learned or increased as they grow whereas oth-
               ers say that EQ cannot be increased. A person with high EQ will have tolerable

               knowledge to control one’s emotion and an amicable life. There is a saying that
               emotions (EQ) may be the true measure of human intelligence.


               1. What are associated with IQ and EQ?

               2. What are related to the IQ test?
               3. What do people say about EQ?


               1. Which one do you think is important, IQ or EQ? Why?
               2. Have you ever taken an IQ test?
               3. Do you think a person has more chance to get a professional job according
                   to the IQ?
               4. What do you think is human intelligence?

                                                 Vocabulary & Expressions
                     quotient : the number which is obtained when one number is divided by another
                     genetically : in a way that is connected with genetics
                     plain : very clear and easy to understand or recognize
                     scholastic : connected with schools or teaching
                     socioeconomic : based on combination of social and economic conditions
                     assess : to make a judgment about a person or situation after thinking carefully about it
                     precise : precise details, costs, measurements, etc. are exact

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