Page 60 - PowerE-L05-B
P. 60
Lesson 15
Gods and Demons
The idea of becoming immortal like a vam-
pire fascinates me greatly. It would be one of my
desires to be able to live through the ages and
watch old civilization die and new ones born and
to feel the winds of change in the seasons. To
stalk at night searching for hapless victims I can
sink my fangs into, and to decree whether they
die or be immortal vampires like me, gives me an exhilarating sense of power
that normality can never even hope to give. Also, the gods and the goddess of
Greek have distinctive characteristics and the tides of history. I am significantly
mesmerized with the ancient gods and goddess myth as I read through the
meaning of each god: Zeus, the king of gods; Poseidon, the god of sea; Apollo,
the god of sun. I would love to have one of these strong qualities for myself.
Gods and Demons both have my interest for being unusual.
1. What are mentioned as demons and gods?
2. According to the paragraph, what are the characteristics of vampires?
3. What do you think does the writer pursue?
1. What do you think of being immortal?
2. What do you think of having unusual life?
3. What are you interested in these days?
4. Do you believe in God or any mythological gods?
Why or why not?
Vocabulary & Expressions
immortal : living or continuing forever
stalk : to follow a person or animal quietly in order to catch or kill them
hapless : unlucky
fang : a long sharp tooth of an animal such as a snake or wild dog
decree : to make an official judgment or give an official command
exhilarate : to make someone feel very excited and happy
mesmerize : to attract attention from others