Page 345 - BenchMark_6-1
P. 345

Reading Skill: Cause and Effect                                                                                          Cause and effect is an organizational skill that helps readers
                                                                                                                               understand the relationships between events. The cause is the
                                                                                                                               reason why something happens, and the effect is what
                                                                                                                               happens as a result. Words like because and since usually
                                                                                                                               indicate a cause while so and therefore often precede effects.
      Complete the causes and the effects with the correct phrases.

            Causes                                    Susan B. Anthony: Her Fight for Equal Rights                                                                        Effects

      Girls and boys were  taught very differently                                          .

                                                                                                                                  Experiencing unfair treatment
      Women were paid less than men.                                                                                              made Susan Brownell

      Women                  sat in the back                    and were silent at meetings.                                      Anthony work for  the idea of                             .

                                                                                                                                    equality           and rights for

      Women couldn’t                           speak in public                     .                                              women. She spent her life

      Married women couldn’t own any property.                                                                                    fighting to  change the law                               .

                                                                                                                                  for equal rights.

      Women                      couldn’t vote                      .

                    the idea of equality                       speak in public                       sat in the back

                    change the law                             couldn’t vote                          taught very differently

                                                                                                                                     Unit 9 | Fighting for Equal Rights
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