Page 42 - Speaking_Expert_Business_Economy
P. 42
Point 성공을 위해서는 앞날을 내다볼 수 있는 시각을 지녀야 해요. 전설적인 CEO
9 세계 최고 경영인, 잭 웰치를 만나다 유로운 회사가 될 수 있었죠.
UNIT Jack Welch 잭 웰치는 “변화하지 않으면 안 될 상황에 처하기 전에 변화하라”라고 말했습니다. 그
의 새로운 경영 방식과 변화를 이끌어내기 위한 노력이 있었기에 GE는 직원들에게 자
Part 1 Part 2
Topic Discussion General Discussion
Famous Business Person
1. Describe who Jack Welch is. 1. Who are the most famous Korean
CEOs? Do you know how the founder
established the company?
Read & Discuss
“Change before you have to.” These are the words of Jack Welch, the
of famous CEOs/business people?
his first year?
man Fortune magazine named “Manager of the Century” in 1999. When Welch 2. Why did Jack Welch want to quit after 2. What are the common characteristics
took over as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of General Electric (GE) in 1981, the value of
the company was $12 billion. However, when he retired in 2001, the value had grown
to $280 billion.
Welch joined GE in 1960. He wanted to quit after his first year. He didn’t feel satisfied 3. What changes did Jack Welch introduce 3. What do you think of CEOs of large
with his salary and was unhappy with his working environment. He wanted to work at GE? conglomerates passing control of
for a smaller company and have more freedom to try out his management ideas. the company on to their own family
But Welch’s boss believed in him and convinced him to stay at the company. Welch members?
agreed to stay and gradually worked his way up in the company. He proved to be a
very talented manager and later became GE’s youngest ever CEO. Over his 40-year
career, Welch changed not only GE but also the way most successful big companies
are managed. 4. What did Welch do for his company 4. Whose lives are impressive to you
If workers did well, Welch rewarded them with hand-written notes and small presents, employees to reward or encourage among famous Korean business
as well as bonuses. If a section of the company was not doing well, he personally them? people?
asked them to try harder. But most importantly, Welch made GE a less formal place
to work. Everyone could speak freely and nobody called him “Mr. Welch.” The 300,000
workers at GE simply called him “Jack.” And Jack referred to General Electric as his
“little grocery store.”
44 Speaking EX Business & Economy 45
speaking EX_001_BE.indd 44-45 9/27/08 7:07:29 PM