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1 9 Robot ASIMO 로 걸으면서 문을 열고, 물건을 잡고… 게다가 사람을 기억하며 말까지 합니다!!
UNIT Point 집에서 꼼짝하기 싫을 때 내 시중을 들어줄 누군가 필요한가요? 이젠 ‘아시
모 ’가 그 역할을 대신해줍니다. 일본의 한 회사에서 개발한 이 로봇은 사람처럼 두 발
똑똑한 로봇, 아시모를 아시나요?
Part 1 Part 2
Topic Discussion General Discussion
Machines and Electronic devices
1. If you could own a robot, what would 1. If you were allowed to own only one
you want it to do for you? of the following devices, which would
you choose and why: a TV, a PC, a cell
phone, a digital camera or a stereo?
Read & Discuss 2. Name a movie in which robots appear. 2. What do you think should never have
Describe what the robots in this movie
been invented?
Imagine having someone to do everything for you at home. For
example, you are studying hard and suddenly get thirsty. But you’re too lazy to look like and what they are good at.
leave your desk. So what will you do?
Well, just say the name “ASIMO” and a small robot will come to you. Believe it or not,
it can respond when its name is called. And it walks naturally on two legs, just like a
person does. A company in Japan has designed this wonderful robot to help people 3. What does the robot “Asimo” look like? 3. What do you think our future might look
in their everyday life. With its humanlike arms, hands, and fingers, ASIMO can open What can it do and in what ways does it like? Do you think machines could end
doors and turn light switches on and off. In addition, it is able to reach for things on resemble a human? up controlling humans if we allow them
to develop artificial intelligence?
shelves and pick things up from the floor.
At 120cm tall, ASIMO is no bigger than most 8-year-old children. Its small size is useful
in the home. And it is smart enough to interact with people. For example, it says hello
to people and can even give someone a handshake. Also, it moves in the direction 4. Do you think robots will cause 4. What have electronic devices deprived
somebody points to. Amazingly, ASIMO does these things by reading the gestures of unemployment in the future or make people of or what are the negative
humans. more work for humans? Why? consequences they have produced?
ASIMO has some other intelligent functions. For example, it recognizes voices and
faces and knows people by name. It can even use the Internet and give information to
people. That is very helpful! Now you want one of these robots to do your homework,
don’t you?
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