Page 12 - PowerE-L04-F
P. 12
Lesson 3
Hatred Versus Love
Pride, jealousy and prejudice are
some of the different forms of hatred,
which are very rampant in the world that
we are living in right now. Why is this
Sometimes, people are being hated
because they are different, they act
differently or they can do better than
the other. Sometimes, the success of
a person will be the root of jealousy.
Others might feel this hatred because of broken relationships, unsuccessful
marriages or after a fight with their loved ones where in fact it shouldn’t be that
way. We should be humble, try to understand things, accept one another and
be happy with the success of each other. These things will only be possible if
we put love in our hearts.
Love can conquer pride and jealousy. It can heal broken hearts and all the pain
that we feel. It can open our hearts to see and appreciate even the smallest
things in life. Love can break the boundaries between two people. Love should
always be greater than hatred.
1. What is the article all about?
2. Do you agree with the writer that love should be greater than hatred? Why?
3. According to the writer, why is hatred very rampant?
1. What are the reasons why people are being hated?
2. What does love do?
3. Have you hated a person so much?
4. What are the ways to overcome hatred?
Vocabulary & Expressions
prejudice - preconception or unreasonable and unfavorable feelings
r ampant - raging, growing or spreading too fast
jealousy - to envy somebody else’s success
humble- down to earth, not too proud, modest
conquer - to overcome something