Page 8 - PowerE-L04-F
P. 8

Lesson  2


                                                   Forgiveness is a simple word that is so easy to say
                                              but hard to do.  Most of us, find it very difficult to forgive
                                              people who have done wrong to us.  One of the things

                                              that hinder us from doing such is our “pride”.  We tend
                                              to  be  self-centered  wherein  we  focus  on  ourselves
                                              alone and on our feelings, not thinking of other people
                                              resulting in unforgiveness. Meanwhile, if pride would
                                              be the hindrance, “Love” on the other hand is the key
                                              to forgiveness.  A person who has a loving heart has
                                              the ability to forgive whatever it takes.
                                              Forgiveness  is  not  just  about  forgiving  others  from
                                              what they have done to you but also freeing yourself
                                              from the burden inside your heart.  It is one of the good
               traits that we should exercise in our daily lives.  If we wanted to be forgiven, let
               us forgive others too.  As God forgave us a thousand times, we should do the



                1. What does the paragraph talk about?

                2. Do you agree with the writer? Why?
                3. What is the difference between pride and love in their role in forgiveness?


               1. Have you forgiven someone who did something wrong to you?

               2. Is it really difficult to forgive?
               3. Have you been betrayed by someone? If yes, did you forgive that person
                   after the incident?
               4. Can you think of other factors that hinder forgiveness?

                                                  Vocabulary & Expressions

                         hindrance - to stop or prevent a certain thing to occur.
                         self- centered- concerned and focus mainly on one’s self and own interests.
                         pride - the feeling of superiority and being too proud of one’s self.
                         burden - something that is difficult to bear.

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