Page 28 - PowerE-L04-F
P. 28

Lesson  7

               Defense Mechanism

                      The  father  of  psychoanalysis
               named Sigmund Freud is the one who
               developed the ego defense mechanism
               in which he believes that these defense
               mechanisms are the methods used by

               a  person  to  protect  themselves  and
               cope  with  painful  thoughts,  events  or
               People  use  most  of  these  said
               mechanisms  unconsciously,  like  for
               instance, a patient who was diagnosed
               with a severe illness like cancer would most probably try to convince herself
               that  the  doctor  made  a  mistake.  In  this  case,  the  person  is  using  DENIAL

               as a defense mechanism.  One of the most common defense mechanisms
               is conversion. A good example of this is, if a student will have an exam or
               an interview, prior to that, the student will feel like she’s having diarrhea, a
               stomach upset or diaphoresis. The feeling of nervousness is being converted to
               a physical symptom.  Other common defense mechanisms are compensation,
               reaction  formation,  displacement,  rationalization,  undoing,  substitution,  and


               1. What are defense mechanisms?

               2. Who created the ego defense mechanisms?


               1. Do you often use defense mechanisms?

               2. What are the common defense mechanisms that you use?

               3. Have you been in a situation that you have used them unconsciously?

               4. Can you give examples of using defense mechanisms?

                                                 Vocabulary & Expressions

                          cope - to adapt or to deal with a situation
                          mechanism - methods, process or procedures done
                          unconsciously - unaware of doing something
                          Diaphoresis - excessive sweating

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