Page 52 - PowerE-L04-F
P. 52

Lesson  13


                                                            Karma  is  believed  to  be  a  concept  of

                                                   cause  and  effect,  which  originated  in  ancient
                                                   India.    It  is  an  eastern  religious  concept  in
                                                   contradistinction of faith.  They believe that it is

                                                   the  result  or  consequence  of  a  certain  action,
                                                   which they also call karma-phala.
                                                   Some  traditions  believe  that  God  plays  a  role
                                                   with karma while the followers of Buddhism and
                                                   Hindism considered the natural law of causation

                                                   to  explain  the  effects  of  Karma.    However,
                                                   according to Jainism, neither of them have any
                                                   role in a person’s karma.  It is believed that the

                 sole doer and enjoyer of karma and its fruits is the person himself.
                 Karma is not a punishment but simply the consequence of our natural acts.
                 We are the ones responsible for our destiny.  Through positive actions and
                 by means of doing the right thing, we can convert negative karma into good


                 1. What is the main thought of the paragraph?

                 2. According to the paragraph, what is karma?

                 3. What does the writer want to convey?
                 4. Where did karma originate?


                 1. Do you believe in karma?

                 2. Is karma part of the beliefs and practices in your country?

                 3. What is your opinion about the paragraph?
                 4. Have you had any karma in your life? Is it good or bad?

                                                 Vocabulary & Expressions

                         originate - start or beginning
                         contradistinction - contrasting to, or opposition to something
                         consequence - it is the effect, outcome or the result of something that was done
                         convert - to transform and chance something into a different one

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