Page 13 - PowerE-L05-A
P. 13


                   Choose the right word to complete the sentence.

                   1.   Video _____ is illegal.
                          A. watching                  B. piracy             C. playing

                   2.   How can a thin man _____ a strong man?
                          A. pit against               B. pet against        C. pat against

                   3.   Something _____ is against the law.
                          A. legal                     B. illegal            C. lawful

                   4.   The death of the director _____ the company.
                          A. crumpled                  B. crisped            C. crippled

                   5.   The _____ in this month’s income amounted to $10,000.
                          A. lass                      B. less               C. loss


                   Tell which underlined word is wrong in the sentence. Encircle the

                   letter of your answer.

                   1.   Why do I need to wasted money on original copy?
                            A              B             C                   D

                   2.   I’m all with downloading files from illegal servers on the Internet.

                                    A                       B      C                 D

                   3.   An Internet would never evolve to be more secure.
                          A                                            B        C       D

                   4.   The network is free at all.
                         A                    B         C  D

                   5.   Grabs what you can have today because it may be gone tomorrow.
                             A                 B                                    C                                       D

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