Page 56 - PowerE-L05-A
P. 56

Lesson  14


                                                                  It’s hard to distinguish who needs the

                                                          support   of   alms   nowadays.   There   are
                                                          thousands of families who need financial aid,

                                                          but    some   people   scam   for   personal
                                                          usage.  It’s  pity  that  there  are  immoral

                                                          people who would disguise themselves  as

                                                          poor  citizens  to  take  away  the  funds  from
                                                          those people in need.

                       I  don’t  even  know  if  I  should  really  believe  the  beggars  on  the  street

               anymore. Some beggars who are asking for alms take this for  granted  and
               constantly beg for money even if they don’t need the support. To make it worse,

               some people get trained to ask for alms. Who would want to donate or support

               the real people in need? Who would want to take away the money from the
               poor? People should be conscientiously fair.


               1. What does “alms” mean?
               2. What is the main issue?
               3. According to the paragraph, what makes it worse?


               1. Do you give money to beggars? Why or why not?
               2. Where do you usually see beggars in your country?
               3. What do you think of people who get trained to ask
                   for alms?

               4. Who should be allowed to ask for alms? Why?

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