Page 61 - PowerE-L05-A
P. 61


                   Choose the word that completes the sentence.

                   1.   Rona is on a _______ diet.
                          A. vegetation                B. vegetarian                C. vegetables

                   2.   My parents ______me because of my wrongdoing.
                          A. punishes                  B. punishment                C. punishable

                   3.   I like the texture of my salad.
                          A. distinctive physical composition or structure of something
                          B. taste of edible foods
                          C. the food’s smell

                   4.   I hate to eat vegetables, and that is the ____.
                          A. true
                          B. truth
                          C. truism

                   5.   My mother _____ me whenever I am misbehaving.
                          A. pincher                   B. pinches                   C. pinch


                   Choose the right word to make the sentence grammatically


                   1.   My mom ( force, forces ) me to eat vegetables.

                   2.   Love is such a mysterious ( force, force ).

                   3.   I love to eat meat ( dish, dishes ).

                   4.   Kelly can’t stand the pressure anymore, so he ( quit, quitting ) the

                   5.   They have a strong labor ( forsee, force ).

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