Page 72 - PowerE-L05-A
P. 72

Lesson  18


                                                           I’m  a  full  time  working  mom  who  had  to
                                                  manage the demands of my career and my duty

                                                  as a mom and wife. My work has been a constant

                                                  source of friction between my husband and me.
                                                  He insists that since h  is  able  to  afford a  fairly

                                                  decent lifestyle for both our two children and me,
                                                  I have no need for a career anymore. Instead, he

                                                  wants me to either cut down my work time in half
                                                  and spend more time doing the house chores, or

                                                  quit my job and devote my time fully to bringing
                                                  up two of our kids, 9 and 12. I find the first option

                                                  unsatisfactory and the second one repugnant and

                       Since the time I gave birth to my kids, I have spent half of my remaining

               lifetime caring for them. Within a decade or less, my children will be indepen-
               dent enough to move out and I assume that I will be entitled to having my own

               life. At present, my kids are well provided for, having a competent nanny and
               several private tutors. I’m neither a negligent nor an absentee mom. My kids

               never complained of loneliness. I think it’s my husband who is lonely.


               1. What are two options that the husband offers his wife?
               2. According to the paragraph, what does the writer want to do?
               3. What does “negligent” mean?


               1. Do you like your current job? Why or why not?
               2. What is the most important aspect when making a
                   decision about your job?
               3. What do you think is the perfect job?
               4. Which one do you prefer, interesting job or high-
                   salaried job?

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