Page 19 - New_TEN_English-1
P. 19

Skill 09-B    Exactly!                                                                                                              LEVEL 1 1


                                                                                 A. Fill in the blanks to complete the conversation.
                                                                                 상자 안의 표현을 골라 빈칸을 채우세요.

                                                                                     •Exactly!   •Me neither.
                                                                                     •Me too.   •I can’t believe it !   •That’s funny.

                                                                                 1. A: Word has it that Hakyung is meeting a celebrity.
                                                                                   B:           That’s really surprising.

                                                                                 2. A: Look at the trash can. Sally was supposed to throw out the trash.
                                                                                   B:           She’s never lazy.

          1. A: Listen up, everyone. Drinks are on me tonight.
            B: I can’t believe it ! Thank you.                                    B. How would you say? Respond and fill in the blanks with your own answer.
                                                                                  다음의 상황에 알맞게 대답하고 빈칸도 여러분의 대답으로 채워 보세요.
          2. A: I think this milk has gone bad.                                   1. I don’t like the guy working at the convenience store.
            B: That’s funny. I just bought it yesterday.
                                                                                    a. Exactly!   b. Really?         c.           .
          3. A: I wish they’d fire Tom. He’s so lazy.                             2. I think the uncle should take responsibility for that poor nephew.
            B: Exactly! I couldn’t agree more.
                                                                                    a. I agree.   b. I think so, too.   c.        .
          4. A: I just love being at the beach.
            B: Me too. Let’s go together sometime.
                                                                                  C. Match the statements in Column A with possible responses from Column B. Make the
                                                                                  response more interesting by adding more details after each expression.
          5. A: You know, I don’t really like sci-fi movies.                      A와 가장 잘 어울리는 답변을 B에서 찾아 답변을 완성해보세요.
            B: Oh, me neither. They’re so unrealistic.

           What is the point of this lesson? Listen to your teacher.                            Column A                            Column B
           이 과의 포인트는 무엇인가요? 선생님의 설명을 들어 보세요.
                                                                                  1. Agnes and Ryan look really sweet together.  A. Me too. _____________.
                                                                                  2. I feel relaxed whenever I sew clothes. It’s my
                                                                                                                         B. I can’t believe it! ______________.
              [Surprise and suspicion]                                            favorite pasttime.
              •I can’t believe it!               •That’s funny.                   3. Our general manager agreed to join the dance
              [100 % Agreement]                                                   presentation for the party!            C. That’s funny. ______________.
              •Exactly!           •Me too.         •Me neither.

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