Page 15 - New_TEN_English-1
P. 15

Skill 07-B    I should get going.                                                                                                   LEVEL 1 1


                                                                                 A. How would you start the conversation? Both expressions are correct.
                                                                                 모두 맞는 두 답을 하나씩 선택하여 대답해 보세요.

                                                                                 1. A: You know a lot about computers. (What do you do for a living? / What do you do?)
                                                                                 B: I’m in sales, but I majored in computer science in college.

                                                                                 2. A: (Would you excuse me for a moment? / Excuse me for a moment.) I’ll be right back.
                                                                                 B: Take all the time you need.

                                                                                  B. Start the conversation and fill in the blanks with your own answer.
                                                                                  각 상황에서 대화를 시작하고 빈칸도 여러분의 대답으로 채워 보세요.
          1. A: What do you do for a living?                                      1. You need to go to a restroom during a meeting.
            B: I’m an electrical engineer. What about you?
                                                                                    a. Excuse me.         b. Excuse me for a moment.   c.       .
          2. A: I need to find a restroom. Would you excuse me for a moment?      2. You want to finish a conversation and say goodbye.
            B: Oh, of course. I’ll wait here for you.
                                                                                    a. Nice talking to you.           b. I gotta go.   c.       .
          3. A: Nice talking to you. See you later.
            B: Yes, nice talking to you, too. See you.
                                                                                  C. You saw an old friend on your way to the supermarket. Since it has been a long time since you
                                                                                  last saw each other, you wanted to know how he has been doing. Try to use the expressions
          4. A: Well, I should get going. I have a 2 o’clock appointment.
                                                                                  discussed in class.
            B: Oh, I’ve got to go, too.
                                                                                  선생님과 대화를 나누어 보세요.
           What is the point of this lesson? Listen to your teacher.
           이 과의 포인트는 무엇인가요? 선생님의 설명을 들어 보세요.                                      1. A: ______________________________?
                                                                                    B: I’m now an assistant manager at an electronics company.
                                                                                  2. A: That’s great! ______________________________?
                                                                                    B. When I get home, I usually help my wife look after our two sons.
              [Typical questions]
              •What do you do for a living?                                       3. A: That’s amazing! Anyway, it looks like you’re in a hurry. ______________________.
              [Signaling expressions to close the conversation]                     B: It’s great seeing you, too. I hope we can grab a coffee next time.
              •Would you excuse me for a moment?
              •Nice talking to you.                      •I should get going.
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