Page 10 - New_TEN_English-1
P. 10

Skill 05-A    I’m too nervous.                                                                                                      LEVEL 1 1


                                                                                 A. Fill in the blanks to complete the conversations.
                                                                                 상자 안의 표현을 골라 빈칸을 채우세요.

                                                                                   •moved  •scared of  •embarrassing  •sick and tired of  •nervous
                                                                                 1. A: Are you scared of spiders?
                                                                                   B: To be honest, no. But I’m      rats.

                                                                                 2. A: Sara gave lots of money to that beggar.
                                                                                   B: Yeah, I was really       when I heard that.

                                                                                 3. A: You’re wearing that T-shirt inside out.
          1. A: Uh-oh. Ben, your fly is open.                                      B: Oh, that’s really       .
            B: Oh, my gosh! I’m so embarrassed.

          2. A: Do you have any phobias?                                          B. How would you respond to each saying? Respond and fill in the blanks with your own answer.
            B: Well, yes. I’m scared of rats.                                     다음의 상황에 알맞게 대답하고 빈칸도 여러분의 대답으로 채워 보세요.
          3. A: Wow! What a film! Did you like the movie, too?                    1. The girl I really like talked to me on the bus this morning.
            B: Yes, I was so moved.                                                 a. I was really embarrassed.   b. I was happy.   c.         .

          4. A: Come on, Minhee. Sing us a song, please.                          2. When my boyfriend told me that he loved me,
            B: Oh, I can’t! I’m too nervous.                                        a. I was embarrassed.       b.                 c.           .

          5. A: How about going to that Chinese place tonight?
            B: Again? I’m sick and tired of Chinese food.
                                                                                  C. Which of the following situations have you experienced before?
                                                                                  다음 중 이전에 경험한 상황을 선택해 보세요.
           What is the point of this lesson? Listen to your teacher.
           이 과의 포인트는 무엇인가요? 선생님의 설명을 들어 보세요.
                                                                                   a. an embarrasing blind date
                                                                                   b. afraid of reporting in front of your boss
                                                                                   c. nervous to travel alone
              [Embarrased]           •I’m so embarassed.
              [Afraid]                                           •I’m scared of rats.
              [Impressed]            •I was so moved.                             Choose one situation and tell the teacher about your experience. Make sure to use the
              [Nervous]              •I’m too nervous.                            expressions discussed in class.
              [Fed up]               •I’m sick and tired of.
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