Page 6 - New_TEN_English-1
P. 6

Skill 03-A    Just wondering.                                                                                                       LEVEL 1 1


                                                                                 A. Fill in the blanks to complete the conversations.
                                                                                 상자 안의 표현을 골라 빈칸을 채우세요.

                                                                                         •It depends.       •It’s up to you.
                                                                                         •I can’t help it.   •It doesn’t matter.

                                                                                 1. A: Sara, what would be good for a wedding gift?
                                                                                   B:           Did you ask the couple?

                                                                                 2. A: OK. What do you want to have, hamburgers or pizza?
                                                                                   B:           Which do you want to have?
          1. A: What programs do you usually watch?
            B: It depends. I’m pretty picky when it comes to TV.
                                                                                  B. Answer the questions and fill in the blanks with your own answer.
                                                                                  질문에 대답하고 빈칸도 여러분의 대답으로 채워 보세요.
          2. A: Which movie would you like to see?
            B: It’s up to you. They all look good to me.
                                                                                  1. Where do you like to eat lunch?
                                                                                    a. It depends.          b. It’s up to my friends.   c.   .
          3. A: Which do you want to drink, soju or beer?
            B: Anything. I don’t mind.
                                                                                  2. Which would you like to drink, juice or coffee?
                                                                                    a. Anything.   b. It doesn’t matter.   c.          .
          4. A: Do you like Bae Yongjoon?
            B: Not really. Why do you ask? A: Just wondering.
                                                                                  C. Arrange the given words in order to complete each sentence. Change the underlined phrase
          5. A: You shouldn’t bite your nails. It’s a bad habit.                  with the appropriate expression discussed in class.
            B: I know, but I can’t help it.                                       괄호안의 단어를 알맞게 조합하여 빈칸을 채워 보세요.

          6. A: Oh, I forgot to buy film.                                         1. A: I thought you are planning to lose weight? Why do you keep on eating?
            B: It doesn’t matter. I have a digital camera.
                                                                                    B: _____________________________________.
                                                                                      (couldn’t resist| I’m so | and | I | stressed out)
           What is the point of this lesson? Listen to your teacher.
           이 과의 포인트는 무엇인가요? 선생님의 설명을 들어 보세요.
                                                                                  2. A: What time do you think we should leave for the airport?
              [When it’s hard to decide]
              •It depends.      •It’s up to you.             •Anything.             B: _____________________________________.
              [When we can’t explain the reason]                                      (make the decision | sure | not | so | I’m)
              •Just wondering.  •I can’t help it.             •It doesn’t matter.
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