Page 20 - PowerE-L04-C
P. 20

Lesson  5

                 Reading Books

                                                             In observing my students over the years,

                                                             I’ve discovered that avid readers acquire

                                                             their love of reading at home, from their

                                                             parents.  No  teacher  can  pass  along  a

                                                             passion for books the way a loving mother

                                                             or father can. My best readers remember

                                                             cozy bedtime stories, sharing books with

                                                             friends and siblings, and the freedom and
                                                             encouragement  to  read  whatever  they

                                                             wanted to.


               1. What is the writer talking about?

               2. Who has a passion for books?


               1. Do you love reading books? If so, what kind of books do you like to read?

               2. What is your favorite book?
               3. Who is your favorite author?

               4. How often do you read a book?

               5. What kind of books did you read when you were young?

                                                  Vocabulary & Expressions

                         avid : someone who does something as much as they can
                         acquire : to buy or obtain something, especially something expensive or difficult to get
                         passion : a strong liking for something
                         cozy : a place that is cozy is small, comfortable and friendly
                         sibling : a brother or sister

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