Page 24 - PowerE-L04-C
P. 24

Lesson  6

                 Cell-phones and Kids

                                                It wasn’t so long ago that parents asked their kids

                                                to double-check if they had a pager so they could

                                                call home, if needed. Then cell-phones came along.

                                                Most teenagers and some children carry cell-phones

                                                with them everywhere. Parents are totally clueless

                                                about what kids do with their cell-phones. They take

                                                pictures,  send  text  messages,  surf  the  web,  play

                                                games and listen to MP3 player.


               1. What is a pager?

               2. What do children do with their cell-phones?


               1. Do you think that kids should have cell-phones? Why or why not?

               2. What are the new features of Korean cell-phones?
               3. Many cell-phones are stolen in the States, is it the same in Korea?

               4. What do you use your cell-phones for?

               5. How much do you use your cell-phone in a day?

                                                  Vocabulary & Expressions

                   pager : a small machine that you carry in a pocket, that makes short high noises to tell the person
                               who is wearing it that they must call someone
                   clueless : having no understanding or knowledge of something
                   surfing : looking quickly through information on the computer internet for anything that interests you
                   feature : a part of something that you notice because it seems important, interesting or typical

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