Page 65 - PowerE-L04-C
P. 65
Choose the synonym for each set of words or for the following
1. Manners, conduct, bearing
A. Behavior B. angry C. good
2. Show, manifest, expose
A. Reflect B. hide C. conceal
3. People who study the positions an aspects of the heavenly
bodies with a view to predict its influence on human affairs.
A. astrologers B. astronomers C. scientists
4. Foretell, predestine, forecast
A. Predict B. review C. reminisce
5. To put into complimentary or parallel relation
A. Correlate B. Uncoordinated C. One-sided
Give the simple past form of each of the following verbs.
1. Predict
2. Study
3. Relate
4. Tell
5. accept