Page 3 - New_TEN_English-2
P. 3

Skill 11-B    Over there.                                                                                                           LEVEL 2

                                                                                  A. Match and complete the conversations.
                                                                                  서로 관련된 표현을 이어 대화를 완성하세요.

                                                                                  1. Ted told me that I have   •           •     a. He says something like that
                                                                                     beautiful smile.                  whenever he meets a girl.
                                                                                  2. Now open the file and click    •           •     b. Like this?
                                                                                     the F1 key.
                                                                                  3. Did you by any chance see  •           •     c. Hey, we’re right over here.
                                                                                     a dog running by?
                                                                                  4. Where are they?        •           •     d. It went right over there.

                                                                                  B. What would you say? Respond and fill in the blanks with your own answer.
                                                                                  다음의 상황에 맞게 대답하고 빈칸도 여러분의 대답으로 채워 보세요.
          1. A: Chungmuro is like a Korean version of Hollywood, isn’t it?
           B: Yes, it’s something like that.
                                                                                  1. So what would you like to drink? Coffee?
          2. A: How do you eat this samgyeopsal?                                    a. Yes. Something hot.   b. Anything.    c.           .
           B: Like this. Just wrap a piece of meat in some lettuce and eat it.

          3. A: Excuse me, but is there a bank around here?                       C. Read the scenarios given. Re-arrange the words and compose your own sentences. Make
           B: Yes, over there, next to the bookstore.                             sure to change the underlined phrases with the appropriate expressions from the lesson.
                                                                                  괄호안의 단어를 알맞게 조합하여 빈칸을 채워 보세요.
          4. A: Where should I put this frame, Karen?
           B: Oh, over here. But please be careful, John.                         1. A salesman is showing his customers how to adjust a screw driver.
                                                                                    A: __________________________________________.
           What is the point of this lesson? Listen to your teacher.                 (showing how | adjusted | screwdriver | this | can be)
           이 과의 포인트는 무엇인가요? 선생님의 설명을 들어 보세요.
                                                                                  2. My sister leaves the TV remote on the couch.
                                                                                    A: ___________________________________________.
                                                                                      (pointing nearby | the remote | is)

              [Explain with examples or action]                                   3. A man is walking with his daughter at the park, and he saw a bench.
              •It’s something like that.        •Like this.                         A: __________________________________________.
              [Directing to places unspecifically]                                    (pointing afar | at the | sit | let us | bench|
              •Over there.              •Over here.
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