Page 7 - New_TEN_English-2
P. 7

Skill 13-B    Oh, I see.                                                                                                            LEVEL 2

                                                                                  A. Fill in the blanks to complete the conversations.
                                                                                  상자 안의 표현을 골라 빈칸을 채우세요.

                                                                                       •You know what I mean?   •I mean
                                                                                       •Oh, I see.              •That makes sense

                                                                                  1. A: Are you mad at Sean?
                                                                                    B: He’s so unreliable.          .

                                                                                  2. A: Are they mother and son?
                                                                                    B: What do you mean?
                                                                                    A:            they are too rude to each other.

          1. A: I want to do something exciting, you know what I mean?
           B: Um, OK. Then how about going clubbing?                              B. What would you say to clarify the meaning? Fill in the blanks with your own answer.
                                                                                  다음의 말을 이해하지 못했거나 구체적으로 표현할 경우 어떻게 말하나요?
                                                                                  빈칸도 여러분의 대답으로 채워 보세요.
          2. A: There’s my cousin. See her?
           B: You mean the woman in red?
           A: No, I mean the woman next to her.                                   1. He stole your idea.
                                                                                    a. I will never forgive him. I mean I can’t forget what he did.
          3. A: Two tickets for the 6 o’clock showing, please.                      b.              .
           B: I’m sorry. That show’s sold out.
           A: Oh, I see. That’s too bad.                                          2. He’s my husband’s uncle. So she can’t marry him because we aresisters.
                                                                                    a. Oh, I see.          b.                .
          4. A: It’s faster to do it this way. Let me show you.
           B: That makes sense. Thanks.                                            C. At the mall, you were with your friend when you saw a very beautiful woman who looked like
                                                                                   an actress. You pointed the woman out to your friend. Use expressions that you learned from the
          What is the point of this lesson? Listen to your teacher.               lesson.
           이 과의 포인트는 무엇인가요? 선생님의 설명을 들어 보세요.                                       선생님과 대화를 나누어 보세요.

                                                                                   1. A: That girl’s face is so perfect, she looks like an actress! ______________________?
                                                                                    B: Which one? The one with long red hair?
              [To confirm information]
              •You know what I mean?     •I mean the women next to her.
              [To show understanding]                                              2. A: Not her. ______________________.
              •Oh, I see.                                                           B. Oh, I see! She does look like an actress!
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